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Professional Certification in

Data Science & Data Analytics

Upskill and prepare for jobs in Generative AI and Data Science.
Online & Offline Course

Guaranteed Interviews

INR 1,27,000

data science

The job readiness program.

This program teaches you the skills needed to be a Data Scientist. You'll learn:

01 / Tools

The most up-to-date data science tools to fill up your resume with in demand data science skills.

02 / Concepts

The foundational concepts of mathematics, statistics, and geometry

03 / Python

Fundamental to advanced Python for raw data processing, dataset formatting, impactful data visualization, and more.

04 / SQL

Advanced SQL for proficiency in database management, data extraction and manipulation

05 / Algorithms

Major concepts of machine learning, along with the most popular methods and algorithms like decision trees and support vector machines

Success stories to inspire yours

#AsPromised, we guided, and they kickstarted their careers.

Take A Look At Our Syllabus

Explore Our Curriculum: A Comprehensive Overview of Our Syllabus

  • What is Data Science and Analytics
  • Types of Data Analytics
  • A Deeper Dive into Various Data Science Techniques
  • Role of Data Science and Analytics
  • How to Prepare for Data Science and Analytics
  • Introduction to Mathematics for Data Science
  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Various Datatypes
  • Sampling
  • Mean, Median, Mode
  • Probability
  • Conditional, Marginal and Joint Probability
  • Bayes Theorem and Real-life Applications
  • Probability Distribution
  • Normal Distribution & Probability Density Function
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • P-value, Z- test, Chi-square test
  • ANOVA and its Assumptions
  • One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, K-way ANOVA
  • Correlation Coefficient
  • Introduction To Python Programming Language, IDE
  • Keywords, Variables, Type Casting, Operators
  • Conditional Statements, Loops
  • Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
  • Functions
  • OOPs in Python
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, Data Encapsulation, Data Abstraction
  • Files
  • Exception Handling
  • Introduction & Installation of NumPy
  • NumPy Array – Join, Split, Search, Sort
  • Introduction & Installation of Pandas
  • Pandas Series, Dataframes
  • Calculating Summary Statistics
  • Reshaping the Tables
  • date_range(), fillna, NaN and None
  • Concatenating Dataframes
  • GroupBy, Sorting, Iterating
  • Introduction to Matplotlib
  • Simple Line, Scatter Plots
  • Histograms, Binnings, and Density
  • Introduction to Seaborn
  • distplot(), jointplot(), pairplot()
  • factorplot(), boxplot(), barplot()
  • Heatmap, lmplot()
  • Create, Drop a Database
  • CREATE TABLE, Constraints
  • SELECT Statement, WHERE Clause
  • ORDER BY Clause, LIMIT Function
  • Operators and Functions
  • Joins
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • String Functions
  • Arithmetic Functions
  • Subqueries
  • Union
  • Window Functions
  • LAG and LEAD
  • Ribbon, Worksheet and Workbook
  • Data Types, Format Cells
  • References
  • Sorting and Filtering Data
  • Text to Columns, Remove Duplicates
  • Data Validation, Conditional Formatting
  • Functions and Formulae
  • Conditionals
  • Date and Time Functions
  • LOOKUP Functions
  • INDEX and MATCH Function
  • TEXT Function
  • Pivot Tables, Charts, Dashboarding
  • VBA, Macros
  • Variables, Constants, Operators in VBA
  • Conditionals and Loops in VBA
  • Strings, Date Functions, Time Functions, Arrays in VBA
  • Worksheet Events
  • Workbook Events
  • Error Handling in VBA
  • Workbook Objects
  • Worksheet Objects
  • Range Objects
  • Programming Charts in VBA
  • User forms in VBA
  • Installation & Introduction to UI of Tableau
  • Connecting Data with Tableau
  • Menus and Toolbar
  • Data Pane and Analytics Pane
  • Sheet Tabs, Shelves and Cards
  • Pivoting & Transforming Data
  • Bar Chart, Line Charts, Scatterplots
  • Heat maps, Histograms, Maps
  • Dual Axis Charts, Pie Charts, Bump Charts
  • Control Charts, Pareto Charts, Waterfall Charts
  • Visualizing Categorical Data, Time Series Data
  • Mapbox Integrations
  • Aggregate Calculations, Date Calculations
  • Logic, Number and String Calculations
  • Reference lines, Trend lines
  • Dashboards
  • Machine Learning
  • Linear Regression, Clustering
  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning model
  • Regression
  • R Squared (R2)
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision trees
  • Ensemble methods
  • KNN and it's Agenda
  • K-means clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Time Series
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Recommendation System

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Tools You'll Master
















Elevate your expertise in Data Science
with top-notch tools and frameworks favored by the industry's best.

Still have a question? Contact Us.

Exclusives for extra edge.

Resources that come with the program to up your job-skills.

Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Hard skills are why they hire you. Soft skills are why they keep you. We equip you with both.

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

It’s not just ‘tell me about yourself’ and a shiny resume. We cover everything from dress code and etiquette to mock interview.

Interview Guarantee

Interview Guarantee

A dedicated team will get you 10 guaranteed interviews with the right employers to launch your data science career. Even if you don’t land your job in these first 10 interviews, we will continue our interview assistance for a year.

Career Support

Career Support

Even after you start your career, your reliable mentors are always here for you.

Our frequent hiring partners

Your questions, Answered

Ideally, the program duration is 110 days. However, the course can be extended for a few more days if you feel the need for extra support. 

This is a beginner-friendly data science program with placement assistance. Hence, we don’t expect you to already have a background. But we recommend completing your graduation (employers are particular about this criteria) before joining the course and seeking employment. 

Yes. We call it the KAT test- an AON assessment that identifies your strong points and job readiness. We use this information to map your course. If you do well in the KAT test, you could win a scholarship to this job-readiness program.